What is HVAC Air Filtration, and Why Does it Matter for Your Florida Home?

October 20, 2022

HVAC Air Filtration Systems are necessary for the health and safety of individuals and the environment as they remove contaminants from the air and keep it safe for breathing. The need for HVAC Air Filtration Systems is increasing, with new homes, commercial buildings, and offices being built in cities worldwide and with upgraded technologies. These filters have dramatically improved and now remove a sizable portion of the pollutants found in indoor air. The growing concern for clean air has led to increased demands for better HVAC air filtration systems and information technology-based solutions. Underwood AC LLC offers air

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How Your Home’s Humidity Influences Indoor Comfort Levels

September 20, 2022

As a homeowner, you probably give a lot of thought to the indoor temperature of your home. After all, it’s one of the main factors that influence your comfort levels. But did you know that humidity plays a role in indoor comfort as well? While humidity doesn’t get as much attention as temperature, it can be an equally key factor in how comfortable you feel indoors. Here’s a look at how humidity affects indoor comfort and what you can do to ensure optimal levels in your home. What Is Humidity? Humidity is the

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